Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Halloween Oreo Saga

Yesterday I went to the market to get milk and cookies. But not just any cookies: Halloween Oreos. I got my milk and proceeded to the cookie section. Plenty of weird new Oreo flavors, but alas:

No Halloween Oreos.

No problem- they must be in the Holiday section of the store, I thought. Everybody carries Halloween Oreos around Halloween, I thought.

When I saw no special display, I went as far as to ask the store clerk whether they carried Halloween Oreos. He informed me that no, they did not, and I bought my milk and left the store cookie-less.

Hours later, I decided not to give up on the cause. I strapped on my helmet and road down the street to a different grocery store, that not only carried Halloween Oreos, but also had them on special. Needless to say, my grocery store loyalties have shifted.

Triumphant, I huffed and puffed back up the hill to my apartment, where I settled into the couch and savored each magnificent bite of orange-colored creme filling.

I thought that the best way to honor the only cookie that I would go through so much trouble for was with a blog post: it's the little things.

Much love and orange-colored creme filling,


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